With HTML, CSS & Python

Age: 10-17

Skill Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Format: Virtual | Face-to-Face

Duration: Once a week, 1.5 hours 


Seamless learning methods with social learning concepts

Rewarding and hands-on learning experience

Instil Project-based learning mindset

Course Overview

This course is intended to set you on the road to further web development and design studies. Have you ever been curious about the operation of a website? What is the relationship between the web and browsers, desktops, and mobile devices? To create a website, what skills are required? These questions may be your first step toward a better grasp of the internet, with nearly 1 billion web pages now available.


Course Outline

Students will begin their journey into web development by learning the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and Python in this course. Students will participate in teacher – directed classes, engaging conversations, and intriguing individual project work during our sessions.

RM 90 After Discount: RM19.90

1Hour : Create a Blogpage

1Hour : Build a Portfolio

This module will be focusing on the basics of HTML and CSS to produce a simple web page. 

Week 1

Learn how to start creating your own website with all manner of design such as Content Wrangling, Code Slinging, and Learn The Anatomy of A Web Page.

Week 2

Students will Create a Simple Web Page using the Anatomy of an HTML Element.

Week 3

In this Part 1, students will learn the continuation chapter for HTML elements. Marking Up such as Paragraphs, Headings, Thematic Breaks (Horizontal Rule), Lists and More Content Elements.

Week 4

In part 2, students will continue to learn the Marking Up Text in Organizing Page Content such as Main Content Sections and Articles, Navigation, Addresses and The Inline Element Roundup.

Week 5

In part 3, student will learn the Marking Up Text in Generic Elements (Div and Span), Improving Accessibility With Aria, Character Escapes and Putting It All Together

Week 6

This Chapter will focus on the Adding Links, which student will learn The href Attribute, Targeting a New Browser Window in Mail and Telephone Links.

Week 7

This chapter, students will learn Adding Images in Part 1, it covers the Word on Image Formats, The Img Element and Adding SVG Images.

Week 8

In this Part 2 of Adding Image, students will learn how the Responsive Image Markup works in summary, the Art Direction (picture Element), and Alternative Image Formats (type Attribute).

Week 9

This chapter will focus on Table Markup, Table Accessibility,Row and Column Groups, and Wrapping Up Tables.

Week 10

In this chapter, students will learn how forms work from data entry to response. In Part 1, chapter will focus on The Form Element, Variables and Content and The Great Form Control Roundup.

Week 11

In Part 2, This chapter will focus on features like, Radio and Checkbox Buttons, Menus, File Selection Control,Numerical Inputs, Color Selector and Form Accessibility Features.

Week 12

Students will make a presentation that incorporates all of the concepts they have learned so far.


This module will focus on Python Programming in depth. From the Python Basic like Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell until using Turtle Graphics to create design. 

Week 13

In this chapter, students will learn the basics in Python Programming, such as Data Types, String Concatenation and Replication, Storing Values in Variables and how the Turtle Graphics works. 

Week 14

Students will focus on their first Program such as practicing comments, the print() and input () Function, The len() Function, The str(), int(), and float() Functions and working on Turtle Graphics.

Week 15

This chapter will highlight the Flow Control in Part 1. More Elements of Flow Control such as if Statements, else Statements, elif Statements and the Program Execution. 

Week 16

In Part 2, the Flow Control Statement will be highlighted such as loops and statements, as well as part of The Starting, Stopping, and Stepping Arguments to range(). 

Week 17

In this Part 2, students will be exposed to the flow control such as Importing Modules from import Statements and Ending a Program Early with the sys.exit() Function.

Week 18

This chapter will focus on Functions such as Keyword Arguments and the print() Function, The Call Stack and Local and Global Scope.

Week 19

In this chapter, students will learn The global Statement and Exception Handling, including the Turtle Graphics: One Variable to Rule Them All.

Week 20

This chapter will emphasize on List concept such as The List Data Type, Changing Values in a List with Indexes, List Concatenation and List Replication and Removing Values from Lists with del Statements.

Week 21

Student will working on Project: Guess the Number

Week 22

Student will working on Project: Rock, Paper, Scissors

Week 23

Student will working on Project: Zigzag

Week 24

Students will make a presentation that incorporates all of the concepts they have learned so far.

RM 2160 After 20% Discount: RM1728


This Module will focus the continuation of Python Programming in depth to work on Web Development. 

Week 25

This Chapter will focus on Defining a Function, Passing Arguments and Returning a Simple Value as well as making an argument optional.

Week 26

In this Chapter, students will learn Returning a Dictionary and Passing a List by Modifying a List in a Function and Preventing a Function from Modifying a List. 

Week 27

In this Functions chapter, students will learn to Pass an Arbitrary Number of Arguments, Storing Functions in Modules, Importing an Entire Module, Importing Specific Functions and Styling Functions.

Week 28

This Chapter will focus on Working with Classes and Instances, Setting a Default Value for an Attribute and Modifying Attribute Values.

Week 29

In the next part, students will be working on The __init__() Method for a Child Class, Defining Attributes and Methods for the Child Class, Overriding Methods from the Parent Class and Modeling Real-World Objects.

Week 30

This chapter will highlighting on how to Importing Classes, Storing Multiple Classes in a Module, Importing Multiple Classes from a Module, Using Aliases and The Python Standard Library.

Week 31

This new chapter, students will explore Django from the Initial Set Up, The Command Line and Virtual Environments. They also will create a simple app and setting the URLs, Views, Models as well as Templates.

Week 32

This chapter will focus on creating two apps such as Pages App and Message Board App. From Initial Set Up, Class-Based Views, Extending Templates, as well as creating and activating data models.

Week 33

This week will focus on creating a Blog App and touch the Database Models, Admin, URLs, Static Files and Individual Blog Pages.

Week 34

This chapter will focus to set up Forms and learn the Initial Set Up, Database Models, URLs, Views and Templates.

Week 35

In this chapter, students will learn to develop User Accounts, such as Login page, Updated Homepage, Log Out Link, Sign Up and Custom User Model.

Week 36

Students will make a presentation that incorporates all of the concepts they have learned so far.

RM 3240 After 30% Discount: RM2268

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